Orthoptic Cochrane reviews

The purpose of this study was to explore the Cochrane Eyes and Vision (CEV) library to extract and overview protocols and systematic reviews of relevance to orthoptic practice. A full database search was made of the 2016 library. Twenty-seven systematic...

Driving with the use of spectacle mounted telescopes (bioptics)

The authors discuss the current perspectives of spectacle mounted telescopes (bioptics) whilst driving among patients with visual impairment. The history, design and driving laws surrounding the use of bioptics is discussed in detail. In 1977, William Feinbloom developed a bioptic...

Use of technology in low vision rehabilitation

This article is a review of the accessibility features available on tablets and smartphones for the visually impaired. It explains exactly what the accessibility features are, how to access them and how to use them as well as some useful...